


How to use the product to the fullest.


  • Place your iMOODIVATE Cards in a consistent morning location. i.e. bedside table, breakfast area or where you keep your car keys. Somewhere that you always go during your morning routine.
  • Place your static cling decal in another consistent spot. We like the bathroom mirror. Its the first and last thing you see every day.
  • Each morning simply pick your mood from your iMOODIVATE pick a-mood-box.
  • Fold the paper card and place on your desk or work space during your day.
    • -From now on each and every time someone asks you ‘How are you’ or a similar greeting you look at them and with a smile say your mood. i.e. Amazing!
    • -You have the best answer to the most asked question on the planet! And it’s that most asked question on the planet that almost always receives a sandbagged answer…not bad, ok….UGH.


OK, now you’re ready to experience the real thrill of mootivating others. When you reply ‘AMAZING’ or whatever your mood of the day is, you can explain to them the program on how you get to choose your mood each and every day. It’s your choice. Then give them your card and watch the magic happen.
Make your day…give it away! By moodivating others creates an even better mood for you. Here’s the secret: Motivation is temporary unless you have the strategies to stay motivated. The best and most secret strategy, only know by a few hundred people on this planet is to stay motivated by motivating others.

Ready to experience the real thrill of moodivating others. When you reply 'AMAZING' or whatever your mood of the day is, you can explain to them the program on how you get to choose your mood each and every day. It's your choice. Then give them your card and watch the magic happen.

Make your day....give it away! By moodivating others creates an even better mood for you. Here's the secret: Motivation is temporary unless you have the strategies to stay motivated. The best and most secret strategy, only known by a few hundred people on this planet is to stay motivated by motivating others.
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